How to be a better CX advocate in your organization

Picture this… you’re in a meeting. The topic of discussion is the latest release of software X. The IT team is excited for the release because of several new features that relieve some of the stress from maintenance and upgrades. However, the user interface changes pretty dramatically from the current release. Ask these key questions to help focus the conversation on the user.

Key Questions to Ask to be a Great CX Advocate

  1. Has the new software been usability tested?
  2. How do these features affect our accessibility? Are we excluding any of our users with this release?
  3. How are we going to introduce the new UI to our users?
  4. What is our strategy for gaining feedback and optimizing the experience if needed?
  5. What happens if users don’t like the new features? Can we revert back?

Asking the above questions will make you a better CX advocate because you focused less on the technology and more on the recipient of the technology. Your customers will thank you!


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